Become a Strategic Fundraising Partner

A strategic fundraising partner is an individual or group of people that commits to fundraising for a specific building or project on behalf of the overall mission of Hospital Yojoa. For example, one strategic partner could commit to funding the schoolhouse. Another group might recognize the need for construction of a warehouse for material storage. If your group has special gifts in a specific area, let us know! We will keep an ongoing list of needs here on our web site.

Current Needs

  • Material Warehouse

    The warehouse will serve as a location to securely store construction materials as well as to receive and organize medical supplies and equipment we receive from the United States. This will allow us to protect valuable materials from the elements.

    Estimated cost of construction of a 6,000 square foot warehouse: $330,000

  • Staff Housing

    Staff housing will offer apartment style housing for both long term and short term volunteers. We plan to build four 3 bedroom/2 bathroom units, four 2 bedroom/bathroom units, and four 1 bedroom/1 bathroom units.

    Estimated cost of construction for a 14,300 square foot complex is $972, 400.

  • School House

    A school house will allow us to encourage longevity for our missionaries by providing their children a place to go to school in their native language and close to home.

    Estimated cost of construction of a 2,400 square foot school house is $132,000.

Want to learn more about becoming a strategic partner?